With my imminent birthday, someone mentioned to me that I was impossible to buy a present for. While the best gifts are definitely friendship, family-time and thoughtful gestures…it did get my head spinning on things “I like or am interested in but haven’t gotten.” When looking for a great gift idea for someone I typically look for something that I believe the person would like but hasn’t gotten for themselves.
I regularly see things I would like but the rational side of my brain (which must be a rather small section of my brain) will just tell me to walk away. If I go back later…then I really wanted it.
And lets not forget about the economy…all of us are affected and uncertain about the world around us. It is a good time to take stock in enjoying those near and dear and not fret about the “latest gadget”. Did I just say that? 

A bit about myself: I love researching products. I look at their overall design, functionality, hardware/software, logical use, how they are manufactured, materials used, etc. You get the idea. Example: Many years ago, I took my then 8+ month pregnant wife shopping for a stroller. I must have gone to 10 websites about strollers. We then visited the local BabiesRUs, Target as well as some local baby gear boutiques. We went back and forth for two weekends straight. How were they at transporting a newborn, infant, toddler? How were they at transferring the baby from stroller to car? How easy to fold up and get in the trunk? Storage? Did it have cup-holders? You get the idea again. And don’t get me started on the quest for a car seat!
So I decided to setup a place to link/post what I consider “great items”. Not necessarily gifts but just products I encounter in my everyday life. Things I see that I “wouldn’t mind” getting if I had the need/want and the money. This is more or less my watch list for me to keep track of this stuff I see and appreciate.
That’s it…now onto the list.
BTW: Since I mentioned strollers I thought I’d pass along some cool ones I’ve seen lately. Now to be clear, I am not shopping for a stroller! Just have a couple friends who had kids recently and checked out theirs.
Obviously some talk about the pricey Bugaboos but I seem to like the smaller, more portable ones and enjoyed our Maclaren
. But I did see these UPPAbaby which are suppose to be the lightest ones out there but they are rather pricey as well. And I am not mentioning all those “run-along” strollers because I don’t run. :-)
Obviously some talk about the pricey Bugaboos but I seem to like the smaller, more portable ones and enjoyed our Maclaren